5 Ways to Stay Connected with Your Senior Loved Ones

Recent News | March 12, 2020

senior lady face timing on the phone

As we know there have been many precautions put in place for the safety of our seniors which ask us to avoid face to face contact. Our seniors are at a higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 and our goal is always to keep them safe and healthy. Although you may not be able to visit, here are a couple of tips to keep you connected:

  1. Use technology! FaceTime or Skype them to say hello. This is a great way to see their faces and share your lives during this time.
  2. Go “Old School” and call them – Schedule a nightly or weekly phone call. Keep consistent and have a new routine that you both can look forward to doing.
  3. Pen Pals – Drop a handwritten note or a card in the mail. This is something special that they will keep and treasure. Bonus: Send pictures with your note or card.
  4. Sweet Nothings – Use Amazon or your local delivery service to send them something you know they’d enjoy. A puzzle book, a little snack, or something that reminds you of them.
  5. Book Club – Send them a book that you both can read together. Find something you’d both enjoy. Even better: you can talk about it on your calls.

Staying connected doesn’t have to be hard. Be creative and show your seniors how much you care.

Questions about how National Church Residences is serving our seniors? Read more here.


Disclaimer: Please be aware that due to the rapidly evolving situation, recommendations regarding Coronavirus are constantly being updated as our organization becomes aware of the latest government recommendations and as the situation changes.  The information in this message may become quickly outdated so we advise you to always consult with the CDC and your local health department for the most up-to-date information in your area. National Church Residences is not providing medical or legal advice through this communication and shall not be liable for the action or inaction of third parties based upon the information provided.

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