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Your gift supports our mission to provide seniors with high-quality care, services and residential communities to call home.
National Church Residences works to close the growing gap between seniors’ own resources, support from government programs and what they need to stay independent and at home for life. Thousands of people nationwide come home to the comfortable, affordable housing that National Church Residences offers. Emerging from a Christian commitment to service to serve people of all beliefs, National Church Residences is an innovative leader in integrating housing, health care, and other supportive services.
A Place to Live – Providing communities to age in place
A Helping Hand – Supporting body, mind and spirit for life
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All gifts to the National Church Residences Foundation provide vital resources and are deeply appreciated.
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There’s no feeling more satisfying than making a difference in someone else’s life. You’ll be amazed at how much one caring person, like you, can do.