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Resident Focus Playbook

The Resident Focus Playbook is a step-by-step guide for conducting activities that support the Resident Focus Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of National Church Residences. Each section focuses on activities that correspond to the four pillars: Enabling Community, Inviting Conversation, Reserving Judgment, and Putting Aside Differences.

Below are several activities for each pillar. Each link will provide you with a pdf of background information, materials needed, and step-by-step instructions for hosting activities on your property. After each activity, remember to fill out this brief survey to let us know how the activity went and how we can improve future activities.

Enabling Community Inviting Conversation
I. Meal Sharing Potluck
II. Perform a Play
I. Resident-to-Resident Connection
II. Language Walk
III. Paper Quilt Art Project
Reserving Judgment Putting Aside Differences
I. Photographic Collage
II. Painted Rocks River
III. Write a Play, Monologue, or Poem
I. Learn Traditional Dances
II. Non-verbal Charades
Physically Apart, Socially Together
I. Create a Healthy Community
II. True or False: COVID-19 Facts
III. Daily “Gathering”
IV. Family and Friends Car Parade
V. Additional Resources

Resident Group
family in car
writing a letter
group of senior friends on a walk
playing charades
elderly man waving

Resident Focus Playbook Content (c) 2020 Genesis Consulting Group/Gingerbird Creative

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National Church Residences does not discriminate against individuals based on race, color, disability, familial status, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, payment source, or any other class protected by applicable law, whether in employment or its activities, programs, or services. National Church Residences also does not discriminate based on age, except as required by government entitlements or permitted by applicable law for seniors.